Sponsor a Child

Kandhei Maharana

VJ OD 0183
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : Listening story, playing ball. , Health condition : Normal, Father's Occupation : Carpenter

Kandhei is a good girl and the family of Manaranjan is surviving with seven member including Kandhei. Her father is a carpenter. Her father income is very less comparable of daily expenses. Her parents have many and big dream but the income is so low which is allowing them to materialize their dreams for the family and children education.

$ 38.00(Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Swapna Sastri

VJ 0D 0209
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : Playing ball,group games, listening song. , Health condition : Normal, Father's Occupation : Small business

Swapna is a very simple girl. Her father have small business in order to survive their family, but which is enough not to meet all their daily needs like food and hygienic. Hence they are facing lot of problem and struggling to have enough meals ,hygienic practices and to give education to the Swapna.

$ 38.00(Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Madhusudan Dalei

VJ OD 0149
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : Cricket,football, kabadi , Health condition : Normal, Mother's Occupation : Daily Laborer

Madhusudan is an active child.Due to health problem his father is unable to earn his bread and butter for his family. Now his parents financial condition become very pathetic. So that his mother begins to work as a daily laborer for supplying their daily needs. His mother income is not sufficient.

$ 38.00(Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Puja Panda

VJ OD 0254
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : Listening story, singing ,toys Playing with her friends. , Health condition : Normal, Father's Occupation : Daily laborer

Puja is an active child. Her father go for work as a daily laborer to meet the family’s need. Her father won’t get the labor work regularly. The father is striving hard to survive their life now such as food and cloths.

$ 38.00(Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Somya Ranjan Nayak

VJ OD 0016
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : Group games, bat ball, listening song. , Health condition : Normal, Father's Occupation : Daily Laborer

He is a very simple boy.His father is a daily laborer and does not have any income sources to educate his children. Providing fooding, clothing, medicine, and other domestical expenses are difficult to arrange and educating to the children is purely a day dream.

$ 38.00(Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Nibedita Singh

VJ OD 0301
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : Reading story book, playing kabadi, khokho,singing , Health condition : Normal, Father's Occupation : daily laborer

She is an active child. Her father is a daily laborer and whole family members depends on her father’s daily wages, which is only hand to mouth. So her father can't provide the domestical and her educational needs.

$ 38.00(Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

P. Parbati

VJ OD 0247
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : Listening story, Playing with her friends. , Health condition : Normal, Father's Occupation : daily labor

P.parbati is an active child. Her father go for work as a daily labor to meet the family’s need. Her father won’t get the labor work regularly. The father is striving hard to survive their life now such as food and cloths.

$ 38.00(Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Swapanarani Sahoo

VJ OD 0175
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : Playing with toy. , Health condition : Normal, Father's Occupation : Daily Laborer

Swapnarani is a good girl. Her parents financial condition is very poor. The whole family members is depending upon in her father's daily wages for maintaining their needs, which is not enough to supply all their daily needs like food, cloth and hygiene etc.

$ 38.00(Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Nagma Begum

VJ OD 0191
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : ,Playing with balls, Listening song, story , Health condition : Normal, Father's Occupation : Bus Conductor

She is a good and active gilr.Her father working as a bus conductor to meet the family’s need and expense. But her father won’t get the conductor work regularly and the family is striving very hard to survive.

$ 38.00(Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Pinky Behera

VJ OD 0348
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : Listening story, Playing with her friends, kabadi,foot ball , Health condition : Normal, Father's Occupation : Daily labor.

She is an active child. Her father is a daily laborer and whole family members depends on her father’s daily wages, which is only hand to mouth. So any kind (Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study Materials, Medical Expenses, and School Fees….etc.) of help will be a great blessing for this child as well as her parents.

$ 38.00(Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Raja Behera

VJ OD 0110
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : Group games,Dance. , Health condition : Normal, Father's Occupation : Daily Laborer

Raja is a good student. He has three elder sister. His father is a daily laborer and his parents economical status is very poor. His father can't provide the domestical and children's educational needs. His parents are living with discouraged depressed, hopeless and they are helpless.

$ 38.00(Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Balia Kandi

VJ OD 0032
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : Kabadi, Cricket, group game. , Health condition : Normal, Father's Occupation : Daily Laborer

Balia Kandi is an active child. He is reading in class 3rd. His father, who is a daily labor.He can’t able to afford the family as his income is not sufficient.Therefore his father not able to provide proper education to him

$ 38.00(Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Saikh Izhar Azim

VJ OD 0168
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : Reading book, Playing cricket. , Health condition : Normal, Father's Occupation : Small business

He is an active child. His father have a small business and getting very less amount from that, which is not sufficient to maintain the family. Therefore his father not able to provide proper education to him. His parents feels so depressed and living with the sorrowful condition.

$ 38.00(Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Jyotipriya Chhualsingh

VJ OD 0278
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : different toys, Playing with her friends. , Health condition : Normal, Father's Occupation : Daily labor

Jyotipriya is an active child. Her father go for work as a daily laborer to meet the family’s need. Her father won’t get the labor work regularly. The father is striving hard to survive their life now such as food and cloths.

$ 38.00(Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Goutam Nayak

VJ OD 0006
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : Playing with bat ball and group games, Health condition : Normal, Father's Occupation : Daily Laborer

Goutam Nayak's father working as a daily laborer and getting very less amount, which is not sufficient to maintain the family. Therefore his father not able to provide proper education to Goutam. They live in a depressed and sorrowful condition.

$ 38.00 (Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Biju Nayak

VJ OD 0407
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : Listening story, and Song. Health condition : polio , mother's Occupation : daily labor

He is physical handicap child. His father is dead. Whole family members depends on his mother’s daily wages, which is only hand to mouth, so any kind (Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses , School fees…etc.) of help will be a great blessing for this child as well as his parents.

$ 38.00 (Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Sudarsan Maharana

VJ OD 0181
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : Playing with toys. , Health condition : Normal, Father's Occupation : Carpenter

He is an active child. His father is a carpenter. His father income is very less comparable of daily expenses. His father have many and big dream but his father income is so low which is allowing them to materialize his dreams for his family and children education.

$ 38.00(Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Biswajit Kumar Dehuri

VJ OD 0222
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : playing with toys ,balls, , Health condition : Normal, Father's Occupation : Daily labor

He is an active child. His father is a daily laborer and whole family members depends on his father’s daily wages, which is only hand to mouth, so any kinds(Food, hygiene, Uniform, Study materials,school fees Medical expenses etc...) of help will be a great blessing for this child as well as his parents.

$ 38.00(Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Rashmi Nayak

VJ OD 0383
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : Listening story, Playing with her friends, kabadi,foot ball ,khokho,dancing,singing, Health condition : Normal, Father's Occupation : labor

She is an active child. Her father is a labor and whole family members depends on her father’s daily wages, which is only hand to mouth, so any kind (Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.) of help will be a great blessing for this child as well as her parents.

$ 38.00(Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Gayatri Nayak

VJ OD 0230
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : puchi, Group Game , Health condition : Normal, Father's Occupation : Daily Laborer

She is an active child. Her father is a daily laborer and whole family members depends on her father’s daily wages, which is only hand to mouth, so any kind(Food, hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, school fees Medical expenses etc...) of help will be a great blessing for this child as well as her parents.

$ 38.00(Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Bijuli Nayak

VJ OD 0375
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : Listening story, Playing with her friends, kabadi,foot ball ,singing,dancing, Health condition : Normal, mother's Occupation : Daily labor.

On February 10th 2011, Bijuli’s father was passed away due to Tuberculosis. Then her mother daily use go for labor work and what she earns it only meet their minimum needs. Her mother every day strives for food and to raise her three children and try to survive with it. Any kind(Food, hygiene,Uniform,Study materials,school fees Medical expenses etc...) of help and consideration will be great help for Bijuli’s as well as her parents.

$ 38.00(Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Siba Behera

VJ OD 0421
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : Listening story, Playing with his friends, kabadi ,khokho,cricket Health condition : Normal, father's Occupation : daily labor

He is an active child. His father is a daily laborer and whole family members depends on his father’s daily wages, which is only hand to mouth, so any kind (Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses ,School fees…etc.) of help will be a great blessing for this child as well as his parents.

$ 38.00 (Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Ambika Prasad RoutRay

VJ OD 0291
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : Reading story book, playing kabadi, cricket. , Health condition : Normal, Father's Occupation : daily laborer

His father is a daily laborer and his parents economical status is very poor. His father can't provide the domestical and children's educational needs.His parents are living with discouraged depressed, hopeless and they are helpless.

$ 38.00(Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Sandhya Rani Dalei

VJ OD 0138
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : Skipping,Puchi,Luchakali,Kabadi. , Health condition : Normal, Father's Occupation : Daily Laborer

She is an active child. Her father is a daily laborer and not have extra income sources to educate his children .Providing food, cloth, medicine, and to meet the other domestical expenses which are difficult to arrange and educating his children is purely a day dream for her father.

$ 38.00(Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

Laxmi priya Kandi

VJ OD 0428
Child lives in an area with higher risk of exploitation and abuse.
Vishwa Jyoti

Hobbies : Listening story, Playing with her friends, kabadi ,khokho, Health condition : Normal, father's Occupation : daily labor

She is an active child. Her father is a laborer and whole family members depends on her father’s daily wages, which is only hand to mouth, so any kind (Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.) of help will be a great blessing for this child as well as her parents.

$ 38.00 (Food, Hygiene, Uniform, Study materials, Medical expenses, School Fees…etc.)

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About Vishwa Jyoti

‘VISHWA JYOTI’ is a registered organization to serve the poor and marginalised in the society Formed by a group of like-minded people whose heart beats for the poorest of the poor,destitute, orphans, widows, widowers and the neglected of the society. However, the organization is working among the poor mostly,in the rural areas including several indigenous people groups living in remote parts of the country in Odisha and beyond including the Himalayan the belt since 1979. However Vishwa Jyoti came to the lime light only after its registration under the society registration Act of the government of India as Vishwa Jyoti in 1994 and has ever since been serving among the poor and leading them from darkness, towards the light of knowledge, awareness and self-reliance.

Contact Details

Address :Vishwa Jyoti Road
At-Paradise Compound
Po- P.N.College-752057, Mokunda Prosad By Pass
Dist.- Khordha (Odisha) India
Contact No : (+91) 9437628251

Post Box Address:
Post Box : 191
Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Postal Code: 751001

Email: info@vishwajyoti.org
Website: www.vishwajyoti.org