Skill Development

vishwa jyoti bannr

We help women in skill development of different soughts by giving them proper training and guidance. Certain workshops and exhibitions are organised time to time, to give them scope and opportunity to strengthen and sharpen their skills. We also hire different consultants from time to time to make it easier for women to develop and nurture their skill level. Skill helps a human to earn a lively hood, it is a medium through which he achieves a distinctive respect and earning. Our job is to nurture the inner talent and make it shine. We are constantly working in this regard to make and build a healthy and skillful equipped work force, which should have the strength and courage to adapt themselves in each and every circumstances.

About Vishwa Jyoti

‘VISHWA JYOTI’ is a registered organization to serve the poor and marginalised in the society Formed by a group of like-minded people whose heart beats for the poorest of the poor,destitute, orphans, widows, widowers and the neglected of the society. However, the organization is working among the poor mostly,in the rural areas including several indigenous people groups living in remote parts of the country in Odisha and beyond including the Himalayan the belt since 1979. However Vishwa Jyoti came to the lime light only after its registration under the society registration Act of the government of India as Vishwa Jyoti in 1994 and has ever since been serving among the poor and leading them from darkness, towards the light of knowledge, awareness and self-reliance.

Contact Details

Address :Vishwa Jyoti Road
At-Paradise Compound
Po- P.N.College-752057, Mokunda Prosad By Pass
Dist.- Khordha (Odisha) India
Contact No : (+91) 9437628251

Post Box Address:
Post Box : 191
Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Postal Code: 751001
