Longest Waiting Children

Child Care

vishwa jyoti bannr

Understanding good and productive practices in care and protection is a major focus of our program me work. This requires:

  • Quality programme implementation, monitoring and evaluation (research & studies)
  • Learning from the evidence and advocate to be scaled up. Some of the most important activities of our Child

Early child care is a very important and often overlooked component of child development. Quality care from a young age can have a huge impact on the future successes of children.Keeping children safe and free from harm is what we believe in and what we do.

The child care programme is a core sector of our work. We work to protect children from different kinds of harms – abuse, neglect, exploitation, physical danger and violence. A simple premise that every child deserves a happy and safe childhood is what drives us to run projects to protect children from harm. We work with the most disadvantaged local communities, sensitizing and educating them about the rights of children to help them understand that children are meant to be at school and not work.

We form Children Groups through which we bring together vulnerable children in a community. These children then collectively work our solutions to help themselves and each other and ensure child rights in their area are upheld.

We work very closely with these Children Groups and train them to identify and prevent cases of child marriage, child trafficking, child abuse and child labour.We map out-of-school children, street children and those who are involved in child labour and facilitate their movement into schools by the means of enrolment drives.

Another major aspect of our work is to coordinate with the district and state level authorities to ensure right implementation of laws so that children in the area are kept safe. For vulnerable children above 14 years of age, we organise skill-based vocational trainings and prepare them for dignified employment opportunities.

We Help Children Flourish!
Through a relationship with a local Organizations and a caring sponsor, a child is able to discover his or her true value.

For $38/month, a sponsored child receives

  • Love - that unlocks the potential within their heart
  • Education - to defeat illiteracy and provide critical skills
  • Supplements - to protect against malnutrition
  • Health care - to fight back against disease and sickness
  • Recreational activities - that protect from crime, violence and danger

We'd Love Your Help!

"Our Child Sponsorship Program has been vetted by independent, peer-reviewed research and is shown to be an effective approach to helping children overcome extreme poverty. Are you ready to sponsor a child?"

Sponsor One Of These Waiting Children

About Vishwa Jyoti

‘VISHWA JYOTI’ is a registered organization to serve the poor and marginalised in the society Formed by a group of like-minded people whose heart beats for the poorest of the poor,destitute, orphans, widows, widowers and the neglected of the society. However, the organization is working among the poor mostly,in the rural areas including several indigenous people groups living in remote parts of the country in Odisha and beyond including the Himalayan the belt since 1979. However Vishwa Jyoti came to the lime light only after its registration under the society registration Act of the government of India as Vishwa Jyoti in 1994 and has ever since been serving among the poor and leading them from darkness, towards the light of knowledge, awareness and self-reliance.

Contact Details

Address :Vishwa Jyoti Road
At-Paradise Compound
Po- P.N.College-752057, Mokunda Prosad By Pass
Dist.- Khordha (Odisha) India
Contact No : (+91) 9437628251

Post Box Address:
Post Box : 191
Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Postal Code: 751001

Email: info@vishwajyoti.org
Website: www.vishwajyoti.org